26.03.2020 - version 1.0.0 - Updated with fix for userTypes 28.03.2020 - version 1.0.1 - Added generated userId to status message in SOFD Core GUI fixed bug in Attribute Writeback that caused a FULL sync every 5 minutes 29.03.2020 - version 1.0.2 - Added -Confirm:$false to Disable-Mailbox commands for Exchange 02.04.2020 - version 1.0.3 - Fixed typo in log message, and fixed folder-location of ad-mapping.xml 03.04.2020 - version 1.0.4 - Changed behaviour regarding EmployeeID field, allowing it to be set even for non-singleUser cases 22.04.2020 - version 1.1.0 - Allow uploading local configuration to SOFD Core 12.06.2020 - version 1.2.0 - Supports fixed-size userIds 25.06.2020 - version 1.2.1 - Fixed bug in new username generator 30.06.2020 - version 1.2.2 - Support accounts with dash-cprs for reactivation 24.07.2020 - version 1.2.3 - Supports any phone type 04.08.2020 - version 1.2.4 - Sends EmailAlias to Exchange Powershell scripts 06.08.2020 - version 1.3.0 - Quickfixes for Exchange and OPUS username generation (temporary, until a longterm solutation is made) 07.08.2020 - version 1.3.1 - Setting Alias and EmailPolicy when enabling remote mailbox 14.08.2020 - version 1.3.2 - Fixed powershell pipeline bug when creating exchange mailbox 27.08.2020 - version 1.3.3 - Bugfix til email adressen i OPUS mail udsendelse 28.08.2020 - version 1.3.4 - Additional logging when failing to generate username 03.09.2020 - version 1.3.5 - Changed to 64bit. Can now use PSSnapin when connecting to Exchange. 28.09.2020 - version 1.3.6 - Added quickfix to EmployeeID matching issue for reactivating AD accounts 29.09.2020 - version 1.4.0 - Implementation af ny navnestandard (kræver at SOFD Core også opdateres) 21.10.2020 - version 1.4.1 - Supports concat() for attribute writeback 10.11.2020 - version 1.5.0 - Supports maintaining AD manager attribute 11.12.2020 - version 1.5.1 - Support for unilogin mapping in writeback 14.12.2020 - version 1.5.2 - Fixed bug in ExchangeService that caused powershell sessions to not be released properly 02.02.2021 - version 1.5.3 - Fixed bug when writing same sofd value to multiple ad Attributes. Added support for tags when writing to AD attributes. 04.02.2021 - version 1.5.4 - Fixed inheritance bug in tag mapping 22.02.2021 - version 1.6.0 - Support for only running powershells on Exchange create/delete 24.02.2021 - version 1.6.1 - Fixed NPE exception when user has no prime affiliation. Removed ExchangeServer property requirement when running with ExchangeOnlyPowershell=true. 05.03.2021 - version 1.6.2 - Added suport for phonetypes. Added left and right function to writeback dsl 10.03.2021 - version 1.6.3 - Added static method to writeback dsl. Added accountExpires handling to writeback 12.03.2021 - version 1.6.4 - Fixed bug when invoking DeactivateExchange Powershell 15.03.2021 - version 1.6.5 - Fixed bug in tag dsl 19.03.2021 - version 1.6.6 - Fixed Manager bug. Added OU exclusion configuration to writeback. 23.03.2021 - version 1.6.7 - Fixed OU exclusion bug. Added Manager master filter. 25.03.2021 - version 1.6.8 - Added prefix method to writeback dsl. 19.04.2021 - version 2.0.0 - Split Writeback Agent into stand-alone module 19.05.2021 - version 2.1.0 - Support TLS 1.2 19.05.2021 - version 2.1.1 - Added isnull method to writeback dsl. 20.05.2021 - version 2.1.2 - Fixed bug in ^ dsl syntax 03.06.2021 - version 2.2.0 - Allow mapping fields from User object in SOFD to corresponding User object in AD (e.g. employeeId) 07.06.2021 - version 2.2.1 - Added versioning fixes 10.06.2021 - version 2.3.0 - Supports setting a NOCLEAR flag on the AD field, to avoid clearing out the field if the data is no longer in SOFD 18.10.2021 - version 2.4.0 - Supports EmployeeID reference on User objects for mapping affiliation data (fallback til primary affilation with no mapping) 22.12.2021 - version 2.5.0 - Support for the new substitute (vikar) affiliationType - needed for using the vikar module in SOFD Core 28.12.2021 - version 2.6.0 - Support for invoking custom powershell script after user was changed in AD 05.01.2022 - version 2.6.1 - Minor bugfixes in custom powershell invocation 18.01.2022 - version 2.6.2 - Manager update now supports user employee_id mapping 21.01.2022 - version 2.6.3 - Added join method to DSL. Added option to disable fallback to prime affiliation. 27.01.2022 - version 2.6.4 - Custom Powershell now only loaded if needed 28.01.2022 - version 2.7.0 - Added some more name fields to OrgUnit 30.01.2022 - version 2.7.1 - Fixed field names on orgunit 21.02.2022 - version 2.7.2 - Fixed deltasync offset bug 01.03.2022 - version 2.7.3 - Join expression now evaluates to null if any of the join parameters are null. 10.05.2022 - version 2.8.0 - Can now configure manager update with NoClear setting to prevent clearing manager attribute 15.06.2022 - version 2.8.1 - Phones are now ordered correctly by type prime instead of prime 25.08.2022 - version 2.8.2 - Writeback now uses orgunit displayName if present 01.09.2022 - version 2.8.3 - Added more fields to "Felter.txt" 07.09.2022 - version 2.8.4 - Added position display name fields 14.09.2022 - version 2.8.5 - Fixed bug when clearing manager field and managerNoClear is set to true 21.10.2022 - version 2.9.0 - Added pad() method to allow padding fields with prefix chars 24.10.2022 - version 2.9.1 - Fix an error on opususer-mapping when no opus user is present 02.11.2022 - version 2.10.0 - Added cprformat() and replace() methods 07.11.2022 - version 2.10.1 - Fixed null pointer exception in format() method 08.11.2022 - version 2.11.0 - Added a trim() method 16.11.2022 - version 2.11.1 - Fixed a few bugs when mapping orgunit phones 17.11.2022 - version 2.11.2 - Added phoneNumber45 property on phones 08.12.2022 - version 2.12.0 - Added opusEmployeeId property on affiliations 12.12.2022 - version 2.13.0 - Added personCalculatedName on person 09.01.2023 - version 2.14.0 - Fixed bug when assigning managers of managers 27.01.2023 - version 2.15.0 - Can now exclude orgunits from manager update 27.01.2023 - version 2.15.1 - Removed default mapping that was added by mistake 03.05.2023 - version 2.16.0 - Fixed compatibility bug with newest version of SOFD Core 22.06.2023 - version 2.17.0 - Added ">" operator on orgunit mappings 26.06.2023 - version 2.18.0 - Added NOREPLACE flag on the AD field to prevent overwriting values in AD 26.06.2023 - version 2.19.0 - Fixed minor bug in replace logic when clearing fields 01.08.2023 - version 2.20.0 - Added kombitUuid to User 30.08.2023 - version 2.21.0 - Now respects alternative OrgUnit on affiliations 13.09.2023 - version 2.21.1 - Fixed bug in tag syntax 14.09.2023 - version 2.21.2 - Reversed prevous fix - had unintended side effects 04.12.2023 - version 2.21.3 - Added some logging 04.01.2024 - version 2.22.0 - Made full sync configurable 05.01.2024 - version 2.23.0 - Added orgunit email, sd employeeId, homepage and authorizationcode to mappings 19.02.2024 - version 2.24.0 - Added parent feature to orgunit mappings 10.04.2024 - version 2.25.0 - ActiveDirectoryManagerUpdateExcludedOrgunits now also excludes child orgunits of given orgunit uuid 12.04.2024 - version 2.26.0 - No longer clearing manager for users in ActiveDirectoryManagerUpdateExcludedOrgunits 18.05.2024 - version 2.27.0 - Support positionShort from OPUS